Step 1: Complete the claim form
Complete the appropriate claim form depending on the type of claim to be made namely:
- Out-Patient Claim
- In-Patient Claim
The following information MUST be provided:
- member’s ID card/passport number
- policy/membership numbers
- name of policyholder
- name of claimant
- date of employment (Group policy)
- details of illness/injury
- diagnosis
Step 2: Obtain original documents, medical reports & invoices
In case of hospitalization or medical-related claims, please submit all:
- Original medical receipts together with itemized invoices and bills
- Original or photocopies of Medical report issued by the attending registered physician
- Other appropriate documents as the case may be:
For admission to Government/Restructured Hospitals
- A copy of the Inpatient Discharge Summary given to the patient upon discharge.
- A copy of the Day Surgery Authorization Form signed by the patient before surgery.
- A copy of the Referral Letter from a General Practitioner, if any.
- The original final Summary Bill and Original Detailed Final Hospital Bill.
- Original Outpatient Bills/Receipts for any Pre-Hospitalisation / Pre-Surgery and Post-Hospitalisation follow-up bills for expenses incurred.
For admission to a Private Hospital
- Medical Certification of Treatment to be completed by the attending physician/surgeon.
- A copy of Referral Letter from a General Practitioner, if any.
- Original Final Summary Bill and Original Detailed Final Hospital bill.
- All other Original Outpatient Hospital / doctor’s bill and receipts related to admission/surgery